If you’re anything like me, you will ‘dabble’ with your website; you may even break things from time to time. This is good. You are exploring and learning: good on you.
However, when things break, having a backup, and knowing how to undo, go back, rewind and restore everything is crucial. You won’t look like an idiot, you won’t lose any of your data and you will feel more confident to ‘dabble’ in future. I applaud you.
This video shows you how to back up your entire website data (and change other things) in the form of a database. This is what your developer does. This is what is essential that you learn how to do to. This video is twenty minutes long and is well worth the watch. This is not a video you watch when something has gone wrong, this is one you watch before something goes wrong.
How to Easily Import or Export WordPress Database Content | Tips and Tricks HQ.