Useful & Useless

When is the best time to do anything online?

Timing Social Media

Facts we should all be aware of direct from

Tweet for retweets around 5pm;
average CTR – between 1-4 times per hour;
highest CTR at midweek & weekends between noon-6pm

Shares peak on Saturday, Noon sharing once every 2 days.

Email campaigns by hour: (important to segment campaigns by Timezone)
6-10am – Mails on the topics of Clothes, Live events, Restaurant & consumer goods.
10-Noon – Do not Disturb
Noon-2pm – lunch break (news / magazines mails)
2-3pm – in the zone (working)
3-5pm – Property & financial services emails
5-7pm – Holiday promotions / B2B promotions
7-10pm – Consumer Promotions (clothing, sports / gym etc)
10pm-6am – sleep.

Bounce Rates, Open Rates. Click Rates & Abuse Reports – are highest at weekends and early mornings
(abuse reports are mails that constitutes as ‘spam’)

Click Through Rates (CTR) & Unsubscribe Frequency – Highest at less than 4 per month… but frequency is consistent over 4.
Highest Unsubscribe rate are for subs less than 10 days old.
CTR of Subs: highest in under 10 days… also spikes around 4months

Pros for High activity times: More Visitors / comments
Pros for Low Activity times: Less noise & easier Front pages promotion.
Posts are read in the morning
Blog views highest on Mondays at 11am.
Best day of the week for comments – Saturday
Best comment hour: 9am
Increase posting frequency to increase unique views.

Frequency of emails campaigns, posts, tweets works! More than once per day, is OK. Evenings, Weekends and early mornings is the ‘golden time’. The 9-5 is when people are working.

Personally I hold back on multiple posting due to annoying friends, however the effect on finding new business, outweighs that annoyance to friends, who probably do not ever buy from you anyway.
